Next stop Dhaka

My orientation to the Department has been completed and with it came my first tour assignment, U.S. Embassy in Bangladesh. 

Map of Bangladesh

For those not as familiar with its geography, the country is located in South Asia to the east of India (well technically to the east, south, and west of India). To provide a better picture and not force you to open a Google search here is a detailed image from Encyclopedia Britannica.

Map of Bangladesh and surrounding area

I must admit that I was not hoping to get sent so far away from the US on my first tour. Traveling to the other side of the world was a non-starter of our two elderly dogs and with it Michelle. 

We have talked it over since receiving this news and will have to adjust to some new life style choices as Michelle bounces back and forth between Texas and Dhaka every few months. I sadly also have to accept I likely will not get to spend the final years with our dogs. 

So is the cost one must pay. 


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