First Visitors & Thanksgiving

As the weather cools, the leaves are beginning to turn shades of yellow, red, and brown in D.C. and with it the smell of hot trash seems to dissipate from the city streets. Though unbeknownst to me, trees at the neighboring fraternity house drop their ripened fruit during this very same season fermenting and rotting upon the pavement giving birth to new more unpleasant smells. Would it be too much to ask for the pledges to clean the yards and sidewalks?

Fortunately, my parents came to visit and helped stave off the seasonal depression that is supposedly triggered from the darkness of midnight occurring at 5pm and the bout of homesickness that is currently setting in. 

I must admit I did not foresee myself having this issue as I have never experienced the longing to be back in my own home. But it is happening nonetheless. Even when we spent a month in Canada I never felt the urge to return home. Maybe that is part of the issue though. I always knew the return home date. Now I know that there is no returning home. I leave the country in three months and likely will not be back until February 2024. 

In other news, I was generously invited to two different Thanksgiving dinners by fellow coworkers. These are such nice gestures and it really has lifted my holiday spirits. As per custom I wanted to bring something to their table spreads in addition to the traditional bottle of wine tribute at the door. My cooking supplies are limited and the cabinet space to house new supplies even more so. As a result I present you with the forbidden hand pressed rectangular pecan pie.



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